Social Science Paper CLASS IX



Practice Paper

Social Science

General Instructions:
I. There are four sections in this question paper. All the sections are compulsory.
II. The question paper consists of 60 multiple choice questions divided into 4 sections A,
B, C and D.
III. Section A comprises of 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
IV. Section B comprises of 22 questions. Attempt any 18 questions.
V. Section C has 12 questions of source based. Attempt any 10 questions.
VI. Section D has 2 map based questions. Both questions are compulsory.
VII. Each question carries 0.8 mark.
VIII. Each question has 4 choices. You have to select any one of them.
IX. There is no negative marking.



Section A


Q 1. What was Tithe?
(A) Tax to be paid directly to the state.
(B) Currency of France.
(C) A Tax levied by the church.
(D) None of the Above.



Q 2. In the Eighteenth Century French society was divided into how many Estates?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four



Q 3. Find the INCORRECT Match.
(A) Robespierre – Ruler
(B) Louis XVI – Ruler
(C) John Locke – Ruler
(D) Napoleon – Ruler



Q 4. Snake biting its tail symbolizes-
(A) Freedom
(B) Eternity
(C) Knowledge
(D) Unity




Q 5. The symbol for Freedom of slaves is-
(A) The broken Chain
(B) Winged woman
(C) The eye within a triangle radiating light
(D) None of these




Q 6. Find the CORRECT Match.
(A) Mount Everest – India
(B) Dhaulagiri – India
(C) Makaalu – India
(D) Kamet – India




Q 7. My friend hails from a country that does not share its boundary with India. Identify the country.
(A) Bhutan
(B) Iran
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Nepal




Q 8. 82º30’ East Longitude is called-
(A) Tropic of Cancer
(B) Prime Meridian of India
(C) Prime Meridian of Sri Lanka
(D) Tropic of Capricorn




Q 9. Which of the following state of India does not share its boundary with Pakistan?
(A) Punjab
(B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Gujarat




Q 10. The Arabian sea is located in the-
(A) East of India
(B) West of India
(C) North of India
(D) South of India




Q 11. The northernmost range of the Himalayas is called-
(A) Himachal
(B) Nilgiris
(C) Shivalik
(D) Himadri



Q12. ‘Bhangar’ is-
(A) New Alluvial plains
(B) Old alluvial plains
(C) Last stage of rivers
(D) Land between two rivers




Q 13. Which among the following issue ‘Legal Framework order’ in 2002 in Pakistan.
A. Jia ul Haq
B. Mohammad Nasir
C. Pervez Musharraf
D. None of these




Q 14. In which form of government rulers are elected by the people?
(A) Autocracy
(B) Democracy
(C) Kingship
(D) All of these



Q 15. In a country only a particular party members are allowed to contest in an election. The government formed through this type of election will be a-
(A) Democratic government
(B) Non-democratic government
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these



Q 16. In which year the women in Saudi Arabia got right to vote?
(A) 1948
(B) 2005
(C) 2015
(D) 2010




Q 17. Which among the following played a decisive role in the integration of the princely states of India after Independence?
(A) Abul Kalam Azad
(B) T.T. Krishnamachari
(C) Jaipal Singh
(D) Sardar Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel




Q 18. Who was the President of the constituent assembly?
(A) H.C. Mookherjee
(B) Rajendra Prasad
(C) Abul Kalam Azad
(D) Mahatma Gandhi




Q 19.When did Constituent Assembly adopt the constitution?
(A) 1949
(B) 1947
(C) 1946
(D) 1935




Q 20.Which among the following is a factor of production?
(A) Land
(B) Labour
(C) Capital
(D) All of the above.




Q 21. Which among the following economic activities are done in Palampur Village?
(A) Agriculture
(B) Transportation
(C) Small and cottage scale industry
(D) All of the above




Q 22. Kamal works as potter. State he is engaged in which sector-
(A) Primary Sector
(B) Secondary sector
(C) Tertiary sector
(D) None of these




Q 23. Samidha is a working woman. She gets paid leaves and Social security (insurance, gratuity etc). State in which sector of employment she is engaged in-
(A) Organised Sector
(B) Unorganised sector
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these




Q 24. Which of the following is the demerit of HYV seeds-
(A) Excessive use of fertilizers
(B) Decreases the water table
(C) Decreases the fertility of soil
(D) All of these


Section B


Q 25. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): India is a democratic country.
Reason (R): In India, elected representatives by people to take all the decisions.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true and but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is Correct and R is Incorrect.
(D) A is Incorrect but R is Incorrect.




Q 26. Match the following and choose the correct answer from the options given below-.

Sl. No. Column- A   Sl. No.  Column- B
I. Republic A. There is no unreasonable restrictions on the
citizen in what they think, how they wish to
express their thoughts.
II.  Liberty B. Citizen cannot be discriminated on the
ground of Caste religion and Gender.
III. Justice C. The head of state is an elected person not a
hereditary position.

(A) I-C, II-A , III-B,
(B) I-A, II-C , III-B,
(C) I-B, II-C , III-A,
(D) I-C, II-B , III-A,




Q 27. Taking inspiration from which of the following country, most of the contemporary world have chosen to begin their constitution with preamble?
A. France
B. India
C. United States of America
D. Britain




Q 28. India is a secular country, means

A. People have supreme authority to take decision on every matter related to them.
B. Citizens have complete freedom to follow any religion.
C. The head of the state is an elected person.
D. None of these




Q 29. In a democratic country the value of vote of each citizen is-
(A) Equal
(B) Unequal
(C) Sometime equal some time unequal
(D) None of these




Q 30. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): China is called a non-democratic country.
Reason (R): People do not have choice in the election.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true and but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is Correct and R is Incorrect.
(D) A is Incorrect but R is Incorrect.




Q 31. Which of the following is valid argument in favour of democracy?
I. Improves the quality of decision making
II. Enhances the dignity of citizens
III. Leads to delay in decision making
(A) Only I
(B) Only I and II
(C) Only I and III
(D) All I, II and III




Q 32. In 1928 which of the following Indian National Congress leader drafted Indian constitution along with eight other congress leaders?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Motilal Nehru
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Bhagat Singh




Q 33. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): There is a difference of two hours between the local time of Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat.
Reason (R): The Prime Meridian of India is 820 30’.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is Correct and R is Incorrect.
(D) A is Incorrect but R is Incorrect.




Q 34.Which of the following statement is true in relation to India?
(A) It is located in the Southern Hemisphere.
(B) In terms of area it is the seventh largest country of the world.
(C) Tropic of Capricorn divides it into almost two equal halves.
(D) India has central location in the Atlantic Ocean.




Q 35. Identify the physiographic division of India on the basis of features given below- 

It is table land shaped It is composed of old
crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks.
It consists of two major
division- the Central Highland
and the Deccan Plateau.

(A) The Northern Plains
(B) The Peninsular Plateau
(C) The Coastal plains
(D) The Himalayan Mountain




Q 36. What is ‘Barchans’?
(A) Meadows in the hilly areas
(B) Crescent-shaped dunes
(C) A port on the Western coast
(D) Salt water lake




Q 37. Which of the following island of India is formed by the corals?
(A) Andaman
(B) Nicobar
(C) Lakshadweep
(D) None of these




Q 38. The western coastal strip located in the south of Goa is called-
(A) Northern circar
(B) Konkan
(C) Kannad
(D) Malabar



Q 39. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): Land is an important factor of production.
Reason (R): Land is rare and limited.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true and but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is Correct and R is Incorrect.
(D) A is Incorrect but R is Incorrect.




Q 40. Identify the Incorrect statement from the following-
(A) Raw material is an example of working capital.
(B) Building is an example of working capital.
(C) Tools are an example of fixed capital.
(D) Cash is an example of working capital.



Q 41.  the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:

Assertion (A): Seasonal unemployment is found in abundance in the villages.
Reason (R): Most of the people are dependent on agriculture.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is Correct and R is Incorrect.
(D) A is Incorrect but R is Incorrect.




Q 42. Increase in the production of food grain was possible due to-
(A) Green Revolution
(B) Blue Revolution
(C) White Revolution
(D) Yellow Revolution




Q 43. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:

Assertion (A): The third estate was most affected by the rising taxes in France.
Reason (R): Taxes had to be paid by only Third Estates in France.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true and but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is Correct and R is Incorrect
(D) A is incorrect but R is correct.




Q 44. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:

Assertion (A): The period from 1793 to 1794 is referred to as the Reign of Terror.
Reason (R): Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true and but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is Correct and R is Incorrect.
(D) A is Incorrect but R is Incorrect.



Q 45. Who prepared ‘Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizen’?
(A) Robespierre
(B) Olympe de Gouges
(C) Karl Marx
(D) Marie Antoinette




Q 46. Match the following and choose the correct answer from the options given below-.

Sl.No.  Column- A Sl. No.  Column- B
I.  Sceptre A. All are equal before law
II. Red Phrygian cap B. Personification of Law
III. he winged women C. Cap worn by a slave upon
becoming free
IV.  The Law Tablet D. Symbol of Royal Power

(A) I-A, II-B , III-C, IV-D
(B) I-A, II-C , III-B, IV-D
(C) I-D, II-B , III-C, IV-A
(D) I-D, II-C , III-B, IV-A




Section C



Unlike the manufacturing that takes place in the big factories in the towns and cities, manufacturing in Palampur involves very simple production methods and are done on a small scale. They are carried out mostly at home or in the fields with the help of family labour. Rarely are labours hired. People involved in trade are not many in Palampur. The traders of Palampur are shopkeepers who buy various goods from wholesale markets in the cities and sell them in the village. Small general stores in the village selling a wide range of items like rice, wheat, sugar, tea, oil, biscuit, candles, notebooks, pen, pencil even some clothes. A few families whose houses are close to the bus stand have used a part of the space to open small shops. They sell eatables. There are varieties of vehicles on the road connecting Palampur to Raiganj. Rikshawala, Tongawala, Jeep, tractor, truck drivers and people driving the traditional bullock cart and Boogie are people in the transport services. They ferry people and goods from one place to another and in return get paid for it. The number of people involved in transport has grown over the last several years.


Q 47. Manufacturing in Palampur occurs at-
(A) Small scale

(B) Large scale

(C) No manufacturing occurs

(D) None of these


Q 48. Which of the following is not an example of non agricultural activities?
(A) Shopkeeping
(B) Transportation service
(C) Animal husbandry
(D) Growing crop




Q 49. Which of the following is true in context of Palampur?
(I) Maufacturing work is done on large scale
(II) Manufacturing is done with the help of family labour.
(III) Labours are hired on a large scale in manufacturing work.
(A) Only I
(B) Only II
(C) Only I and III
(D) All I, II and III




Q 50. What is the work of people involved in transportation?
(A) Ferry people from one place to another
(B) Ferry goods from one place to another
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these




Q 51.  Which of the following is an example of economic activities in Palampur?
(A) Shopkeeping
(B) Manufacturing
(C) Transportation service
(D) All of the above




Q 52. Which of the following means of transportation is not used between Palampur and Raiganj-
(A) Rickshaw
(B) Tonga
(C) Bullock cart
(D) Aeroplane




The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of social groups, termed the middle class, who earned their wealth through an expanding overseas trade and from the manufacture of goods such as woolen and silk textiles that were either exported or bought by the richer members of society. In addition to merchants and manufacturers the third estate included professions such as lawyers or administrative officials. All of these were educated and believed that no group in society should be privileged by birth. Rather a person’s social position must depend on his merit. These ideas in envisaging a society, based on freedom and equal laws and opportunity for all, were put forward by philosophers. The doctrine of divine and absolute right of the monarch was refuted. The division of power within the government between the legislative, the executive and the Judiciary was proposed in ‘The Spirit of the Laws’ written by Montesquieu.

Q 53. Middle class was against-
(A) Social equality (B) Privilege by birth
(C) Equal opportunity (D) Liberty




Q 54. Who proposed the idea of the division of power within the government?
(A) Nobles
(B) King of France
(C) John Locke
(D) Montesquieu




Q 55. Which of the following was not a part of middle class?
(I) Merchants
(II) Labours
(III) Administrative officials
(IV) Lawyers
(A) Only I and II
(B) Only II
(C) Only I and III
(D) Only II and IV




Q 56. ‘A person’s social position must depend on his merit.’ Who were not in favour of this notion?
(A) Nobles
(B) Middle class
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these




Q 57. Middle class earned their wealth through-
(A) Overseas trade (B) Silk cloth trade
(C) Woolen cloth trade (D) All of the above




Q 58. Which of the following statement is not true in context of Middle class–
(A) They were educated.
(B) They believed privileges by both should be there in the society.
(C) They believed that a person’s social position must depend on his merit.
(D) None of the above


Section D

Two places A and B are marked on the political outline map of India. Identify these places on the basis of information given below and choose the correct option-

Q 59. On the given political map of India A is marked as the capital of that state in which it is marked. Identify it from the following options-
(A) Bhubaneswar
(B) Kolkata
(C) Jaipur
(D) Ranchi
























Note: the following Questions are for the Visually Impaired students only in lieu of Question no. 59.

What is the capital of the Indian state Jharkhand?
(A) Bhubaneswar
(B) Kolkata
(C) Jaipur
(D) Ranchi



Q 60. On the same political Map of India B is marked as a mountain Peak. Identify it from the following options-
(A) Anai Mudi
(B) K-2
(C) Kunchenjunga
(D) Nanda Devi



Note: the following Questions are for the Visually Impaired students only in lieu of Question no. 60.

In which of the following Indian state is ‘Kunchenjunga’ peak located?
(A) Ladhak
(B) Kerala
(C) Sikkim
(D) Uttarakhand


Social Science Social Science Social Science  Social Science  Social Science  Social Science

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