Q.1.   How many tangents can a circle have?

Sol. A circle can have an infinite number of tangents.
Q.2.   Fill in the blanks:
(i)  A tangent to a circle intersects it in ……….. point(s).
Sol.  exactly one 
(ii)  A line intersecting a circle in two points is called a……….. .
Sol.  secant  
(iii)  A circle can have………..parallel tangents at the most.
Sol.  two  
(iv)  The common point of a tangent to a circle and the circle is called ……….. .
Sol.   point of contact.
Q.3. A tangent PQ at a point P of a circle of radius 5 cm meets a line through the centre O at a point Q so that OQ = 12 cm. Length of PQ is:
(A) 12 cm
(B) 13 cm
(C) 8.5
(D) cm
Q.4.   Draw a circle and two lines parallel to a given line such that one is a tangent and the other a secant to the circle.
Sol. We have the required figure.
        Here, l is the given line and a circle with centre 0 is drawn.
        The line PT is drawn which is parallel to l and tangent to the circle.
        Also, AB is drawn parallel to line l and is a secant to the circle.


Theorem 1

The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.

Construction: Draw a circle with centre O. Draw a tangent XY which touches point P at the circle.

10 circle theorem 1To Prove: OP is perpendicular to XY.

Draw a point Q on XY; other than O and join OQ. Here OQ is longer than the radius OP.


For every point on the line XY other than O, like Q1, Q2, Q3, ……….Qn;





Since OP is the shortest line

Hence, OP ⊥ XY proved

Theorem 2

The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

Construction: Draw a circle with centre O. From a point P outside the circle, draw two tangents P and R.

10 circle theorem 1

To Prove: PQ = PR

Proof: In Δ POQ and Δ POR

OQ=OR (radii)

PO=PO (common side)

∠PQO=∠PRO (Right angle)

Hence; ΔPOQ≅ΔPOR proved


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