Collection of Data MCQ


Question 1 : Stratified sample is preferred where:
(a) Population is perfectly homogeneous
(b) Population is non-homogeneous
(c) Random sampling is not possible
(d) Small samples are required

Answer :  B


Question 2 : Data collected for the first time from the source of origin is called:
(a) primary data
(b) secondary data
(c) internal data
(d) none of these

Answer :  A


Question 3 : Census method is suitable for that investigation in which:
(a) the size of population is large
(b) high degree of accuracy is not required
(c) there are widely diverse items
(d) intensive examination of diverse items is not required

Answer :  C


Question 4 : Which of the following factor(s) are considered when comparison between sampling and census method is made?
(a) Area of survey
(b) Accuracy of data
(c) Cost of collection
(d) All of these

Answer :  D


Question 5 : Reliability of sampling data depends on:
(a) size of sample
(b) method of sampling
(c) training of enumerators
(d) all of these

Answer :  D


Question 6 : Under random sampling, each item of the universe has __ chance of being selected.
(a) equal
(b) unequal
(c) zero
(d) none of these

Answer :  A


Question 7 : Which of the following methods is used for the estimation of population in a country?
(a) Census method
(b) Sampling method
(c) Both fa) and (b)
(d) None of these

Answer :  A


Question 8 : Personal bias is possible under:
(a) random sampling
(b) purposive sampling
(c) stratified sampling
(d) quota sampling

Answer :  B


Question 9 : If the investigator wants to select a sample on the basis of diverse characteristics of the population, which method should he use?
(a) Convenience sampling method
(b) Quota sampling method
(c) Stratified sampling method
(d) Both (b) and (c)

Answer :  D


Question 10 : For drawing lottery _________________ sampling is used.
(a) random
(b) purposive
(c) stratified
(d) quota

Answer :  A


Question 11 : Which of the following methods is used for the estimation of population in country`
(a) Sampling Method
(b) Census Method
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer :  B


Question 12 : What kind of data are contained in the census of population and national income estimates, for the government?
(a) Primary data
(b) Secondary data
(c) Internal data
(d) None of these

Answer :  B


Question 13 : The data collected on the height of a group of students after recording their heights with a measuring tape are:
(a) Primary data
(b) Continuous data
(c) Discrete data
(d) Secondary data

Answer :  A


Question 14 : Which of the following is a method of secondary data collection?
(a) Direct personal investigation
(b) Direct oral investigation
(c) Collection of information through questionnaire
(d) None of these

Answer :  D


Question 15 : In random sampling:
(a) Each element has equal chance of being selected
(b) Sample is always full of bias
(c) Cost involved is very less
(d) Cost involved is high

Answer :  A


Question 16 : Which of the following methods is used when an investigator collects the required information with the informant?
(a) Direct Personal Investigation
(b) Indirect Oral Investigation
(c) Mailing Method
(d) Enumerator’s Method

Answer :  A


Question 17 : In order to know the likings and dislikings of the listeners of the programmes broadcast by the Himachal Akashvani, the latter is keen to collect data. Which method of collecting data will be suitable for it?
(a) Direct Personal Investigation
(b) Indirect Oral Investigation
(c) Mailing Method
(d) Enumerator’s Method

Answer :  D


Question 18 : Which of the following is a source of secondary data?
(a) Government publication
(b) Private publication
(c) Report published by the State Bank of India
(d) All of these

Answer :  A


Question 19 : Which data is collected by the investigator himself`
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Both (a) and (b) above
(d) Neither of the above

Answer :  A


Question 20 : A good questionnaire should have:
(a) Minimum questions
(b) Concise
(c) Clear
(d) All the above

Answer :  D


Question 21 : Data collected from The Times of India’ is an example of:
(a) Primary Data
(b) Secondary Data
(C) None of these
(d) Census

Answer :  B


Question 22 : Data collected on religion from the census reports are:
(a) Sample data
(b) Secondary data
(C) Primary data
(d) Either (a) or (b)

Answer :  B


Question 23 : Which of the following is a merit of a good questionnaire?
(a) Difficulty
(b) Less number of questions
(c) Not in proper order
(d) Invalid questions

Answer :  B


Question 24 : When population under investigation is infinite, we should use:
(a) Sample method
(b) Census method
(C) Either census or sample method
(d) Neither census nor sample method

Answer :  A


Question 25 : Data from secondary source are:
(a) Collected for other purposes than the current study
(b) Obtained from the newspaper
(c) More reliable than data from a primary source
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer :  D


 Question 26 : Sample study is useful:
(a) When population is not completely known
(b) As it is easy to handle samples
(C) As results are more reliable
(d) It is cheap

Answer :  A


Question 27 : Which method of collection of data covers the widest area`
(a) Direct Personal Investigation
(b)Mailed Questionnaire Method,
(c) Telephone interview method
(d) All of these

Answer :  B


Question 28 : Data collected on religion from the census reports are:
(a) Secondary Data
(b) Primary Data
(c) Sample Data
(d) Either (a) or (b)

Answer :  A


Question 29 : It is best to use a census while conducting a survey if:
(a) The population is large
(b) The population is small
(c) Time is limited to conduct the survey
(d) Cheaper method is needed

Answer :  B


Question 30 : Direct personal investigation method suffers from:
(a) Personal Bias
(b) Excessive expenses
(c) Time Consuming
(d) All the above

Answer :  D


Question 31 : The quickest method to collect primary data is:
(a) Direct Personal Investigation
(b) Indirect Oral Investigation
(c) Telephone Interview
(d) Mailed Questionnaire Method

Answer :  C


Question 32 : Primary data is preferred over secondary data where:
(a) Time available is short
(b) Accuracy is important
(c) Sufficient finance is not available
(d) Much accuracy is not required

Answer :  B


Question 33 : Schedules are filled by the:
(a) investigator
(b) enumerator
(c) informant
(d) none of these

Answer :  B


Question 34 : After every ten years, information regarding population of India is collected through:
(a) Census
(b) Sample
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither of the above

Answer :  A


Question 35 : Which method of collection of data covers the widest area`
(a) Telephone interview method
(b) Mailed questionnaire method
(c) Direct interview method
(d) All of these

Answer :  B

Question 36 . The data collected for the first time from the source of origin is called

(a) primary data

(b) Secondary data

(c) Internal data

(d) none of these

Answer: (a) Primary data

Question 37 . What type of data will be called for by the government related to the calculation of population and national income?

(a) primary data

(b) Secondary data

(c) Internal data

(d) none of these

Answer: (b) Secondary data

Question 38. Which of the following is a method of collecting secondary data?

(a) direct personal research

(b) Direct Oral Research

(c) Information collection through questionnaire

(d) none of these

 Answer: (d) None of these

Question 39. Which of the following is a quality of a good questionnaire?

(a) Difficulty

(b) less number of questions

(c) Improper order

(d) Inappropriate questions

 Answer: (b) Less number of questions

Question 40. When an investigator collects necessary information from the informers, which of the following methods does he use?

(a) Direct Personal Research Method

(b) Indirect oral research method

(c) Postal Law

(d) calculator method

 Answer: (a) Direct Personal Research Method

Question 41. If Himachal All India Radio wants to compile data to know the interest and disinterest of the listeners about its program, then which method will be suitable?

(a) Direct Personal Research Method

(b) Indirect oral research method

(c) Postal Law

(d) calculator method

Answer: (d) Calculator method

Question 42. The questionnaire is filled out:

(a) by the investigator

(b) by the enumerator

(c) by the informant

(d) none of these

Answer: (b) by the calculator

Question 43. Which of the following is a source of secondary data?

(a) Government Publications

(b) Private Publications

(c) Report published by State Bank of India

(d) All of the above

Answer: (a) Government Publications

Question44. Which of the following is the fastest method of data collection?

(a) Online

(b) Personal Research

(c) by phone

(d) by post

Answer: (c) By phone

Question 45. Which of the following is the most cost-effective method in terms of time, money, and effort?

(i) Indirect oral research

(ii) Direct Personal Research

(iii) Information through questionnaire

(iv) Information from local sources

Answer: (ii) Direct Personal Research

Question 46. Which method has the highest response rate among these methods?

(i) Online

(ii) Personal Research

(iii) by phone

(iv) by post

Answer: (ii) Personal Research

Question 47. Which of the following is not a method for data collection-

(i) Questionnaire

(ii) Interview

(iii) Exchange

(iv) Overview

Answer: (iii) Exchange

Question 48. Which of the following can be included in the secondary data?

(i) Government documents

(ii) Personal Documents

(iii) Research Data

(iv) All of the above

Answer: (iv) All of the above

Question 49. Which of the following is not the main method of collecting data?

(i) Questionnaire

(ii) Interview

(iii) by secondary data

(iv) All the above are methods of collecting data

Answer: (iv) All the above are methods of collecting data

Question 50. Primary data can be collected from-

(i) from their original source

(ii) from the agency

(iii) from the website

(iv) NSSO

Answer: (i) From their original source

Question 51.  The data collected from National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) is called-

(i) Primary data

(ii) Secondary data

(iii) both primary and secondary data

(iv) none of the above

Answer: (ii) Secondary data

Question 52. Which is not a method of collecting primary data?

(i) Direct personal research

(ii) Data collected from the Census of India

(iii) Information collected by questionnaires

(iv) Indirect oral research

Answer: (ii) Data collected from Census of India

Question 53. An individual research method is not suitable if

(i) The area of ​​research should be very large.

(ii) The area of ​​research is limited.

(iii) High originality of data is required.

(iv) Data should be kept secret.

Answer: (i) The area of ​​research should be very large.

Question 54. Which of the following is not a source of secondary data?

(i) Published Sources

(ii) unpublished sources

(iii) National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO)

(iv) All of the above

Answer: (iv) All of the above

Question 55.  We want to collect information economically from educated informants located in a large area, for this the most suitable method is-

(i) Enumerator Method

(ii) Direct Research Method

(iii) Postal Law

(iv) Indirect oral research

Answer: (iii) Postal Law

Question 56. A good questionnaire should not contain?

(i) Undesirable question

(ii) Committee number of questions

(iii) proper sequence of questions

(iv) Simple and short questions

Answer: (i) Undesirable question

Question 57. The user of secondary data should not check-

(i) Excess of data

(ii) Reliability of data

(iii) Expert opinion on data

(iv) Sufficiency of data

Answer: (i) Excess of data

Question 58. A study was carried out to know the crop structure in a village of 200 farms. Of the 50 farms surveyed, 50% grew only wheat. Identify the population and the sample.

(i) population 50 and sample 200

(ii) population 200 and sample 50

(iii) population 250 and sample 50

(iv) population 250 and sample 150

Answer: (ii)

Question 59. The sampling method is suitable when-

(i) the population is educated

(ii) A high degree of originality of the data is required.

(iii) The area of ​​research is very small.

(iv) The area of ​​research should be very large.

Answer: (iv) The area of ​​research should be very large.

Question 60. Which of the following methods is used by the Census Department of India?

(i) sampling method

(ii) Collection of secondary data

(iii) Indirect Oral Research Method

(iv) none of the above

Answer: (iii) Indirect Oral Research Method

Question 61. Which of the following is not a method of sampling?

(i) Questionnaire sample

(ii) random sample

(iii) Systematic Samples

(iv) Quota sample

Answer: (i) Questionnaire sample

Question 62. The main drawback of the postal questionnaire method is that the respondents-

(i) does not answer the questions

(ii) does not read the answers to the questions carefully

(iii) do not send back the questionnaire

(iv) All of the above

Answer: (iv) All of the above

Question 63. What type of questions should not be included in the questionnaire.

(i) Simple

(ii) Multiple Choice

(ii) Individual

(iv) specific

Answer: (ii) Individual

Question 64. Census data of India is related to

(i) Industry

(ii) National Income

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Demographics

Answer: (iv) Demographics

B. fill in the blanks

1. The original data collected in the process of the research method is called……. (Primary Figures/Secondary Figures)

Answer: Primary Data

2. ……. are more expensive than ……. in terms of time, money, and effort. (Second Figures/Primary Figures/Test

 Answer: Primary Data/Secondary Data

3. ……. A person who helps the researcher to collect the data. (Enumerator/Questionnaire)

Answer: Enumerator

4. …… the set of items selected from the population which represents all the characteristics of the population. (Researcher/Sampler)

Answer: Sample

5. In the postal method, the questionnaire is filled by …….. (Researcher/Informant)

Answer: informant

C. True or False

1. If we use data collected by other people, then it is called secondary data. (true/false)

Answer: True

2. Indirect oral research is used where the area of ​​research is very limited. (true/false)

Answer: False

3. Compilation of primary data takes relatively more time and more money. (true/false)

Answer: True

4. An investigator is a person who independently plans and conducts statistical investigations. (true/false)

Answer: True

5. Approach errors arise due to miscalculation. (True/False)

Answer: False

6. The collection of primary data is more economical than secondary data. (true/false)

Answer: False

7. The Census method is suitable if the area of ​​research is very large. (true/false)

Answer: False

8. Nonsampling errors are related to the collection of data. (true/false)

Answer: True

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