math class viii




QUESTION 1. Suppose a quadrilateral having a diagonal of length 10 cm, which divides the quadrilateral into two triangles and the heights of triangles with diagonals as the base, are 4 cm and 6 cm. Find the area of the quadrilateral.


QUESTION 2.  Find the height of a cuboid whose volume is 275 cm3 and base area is 25 cm2.


QUESTION 3. If the area of an equilateral triangle is 363 sq.m., Find its Perimeter.


QUESTION 4. If the wheel of the bus with 90 cm diameter makes 210 revolutions per minute. Find the speed of

bus in km/hr.



QUESTION 5. The diameter of a road roller, 120 cm long is 84 cm. If it takes 500 complete revolutions to level a playground, find the cost of levelling it at Rs. 2 per square metre.



QUESTION 6. How many lead balls, each of radius 1 cm, can be made from a sphere of radius 8 cm?



QUESTION 7. The volume of a rectangular slower of stone is 10368 dm3 and is dimensions are in the ratio of 3:2:1. (i) Find the dimensions (ii) Find the cost of polishing its entire surface @ Rs. 2 per dm2 .




QUESTION 8. The inner diameter of a cylindrical wooden tripe is 24 cm. and its outer diameter is 28 cm. the length of wooden tripe is 35 cm. find the mass of the tripe, if 1 cu cm of wood has a mass of 0.6 g.




QUESTION 9. A spherical ball is divided into two equal halves. If the curved surface area of each half is 56.57 cm?, find the volume of the spherical ball



QUESTION 10. A heap of wheat is in the form of a cone whose diameter is 10.5 m and height is 3 m. Find it volume. If 1cm3 wheat cost is Rs 10, then find total cost.




QUESTION 11. A wall of length 10 m is to be built across an open ground. The height of the wall is 5 m and thickness of the wall is 42 cm. If this wall is to be built with bricks of dimensions 42 cm x 12 cm x 10 cm, then how many bricks would be required ?




QUESTION 12.The diameter of a roller is 42 cm and its length is 120 cm. It takes 500 complete revolutions to move once to land a playground. Find the area of the playground in m2



QUESTION 13. Curved surface area of cylindrical reservoir 12 m deep is plastered from inside with concrete mixture at the rate of Rs 15 per m2. If the total payment made is of Rs 5652, then find the capacity of this reservoir in litres.



QUESTION 14. A semicircular sheet of metal of radius 14 cm is bent to form an open conical cup. Find the capacity of the cup.




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