Online Mock Tests for Class 9  Social Science



1. What is the population of Belgium ?
(a) over one crore
(b) under one crore
(c) Two crore
(d) over two crore

Answer :- (a) over one crore



2. What percent of population lived in Flemish region and speak Dutch in Belgium?
(a) 29
(b) 40
(c) 79
(d) 59

Answer :- (d) 59



3. What percent of Brussels speaks Dutch in Belgium?
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 60
(d) 80

Answer :- (a) 20



4. __ People of ___ region of Belgium spoke French?
(a) 40 %, Wallonia
(b) 70%, Flemish
(c) 65%, Sinhala
(d) 15%, Tamil

Answer :- (a) 40 %, Wallonia



5. ____community is relatively rich and powerful in Belgium?
(a) French speaking
(b) Sinhala-speakers
(c) Dutch-speaking
(d) Tamil speakers

Answer :- (a) French speaking




6. Sri Lanka is an island nation, just a few kilometres from the Southern coast of ____
(a) Goa
(b) Kerala
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Lakshadweep

Answer :- (c) Tamil Nadu




7. When power is shared among legislative executive and judiciary in democracy it is known as?
(a) horizontal distribution of power
(b) vertical distribution of power
(c) federalism
(d) Competitive Federalism

Answer :- (a) horizontal distribution of power




8. Belgium is a small country in Europe, smaller in area than the state of Haryana. it has borders with ___, ___, ___ and ___.
(a) Netherlands, Germany
(b) France, Luxembourg
(c) Germany, France
(d) Luxembourg, France, Germany, Netherlands

Answer :- (d) Luxembourg, France, Germany, Netherlands




9. The population of Sri Lanka is divided into ___________.
(a) Sinhala 55 % and Tamil 45%.
(b) Sinhala 68 % and Tamil 25%.
(c) Sinhala 74 % and Tamil 18%.
(d) Sinhala 80 % and Tamil 15%.

Answer :-  (c) Sinhala 74 % and Tamil 18%.




10. Which is not correct reason to led the tension between Dutch speaking people in Belgium in 1950-1960’s ?
(a) The primary cause which led to the tension between the Dutch-speaking people and French speaking people was the economic inequality.
(b) Dutch-speaking people were in majority and the French-speaking people were in minority.
(c) The French-speaking people were poor and not powerful while the Dutch-speaking people were rich and more powerful.
(d) the disparity was a result of the minority population of Dutch-speaking people in the capital and majority in the country


Answer :- (c) The French-speaking people were poor and not powerful while the Dutch-speaking people were rich and more powerful.




11. Act of ____, recognised Sinhala as the official language by disregarding Tamil.
(a) 1940
(b) 1956
(c) 1948
(d) 1984

Answer :- (b) 1956



12. Consider the following statements about the ethnic composition of Sri Lanka:
A. Major social groups are the Sinhala- speaking (74%) and Tamil-speaking (18%)?
B. Among the Tamils, there are two sub-groups, Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils.
C. There are about 7% Christians, who are both Tamil and Sinhala.
D. Most of the Sinhala-speaking are Hindus or Muslims and most of the Tamil-speaking are Buddhists.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) A, B, C
(b) A, B, D
(c) B, C, D
(d) A, B, C, D

Answer :- (a) A, B, C




13. Which one of the following countries does not share its boundary with Belgium?
(a) France

(b) Netherlands

(c) Sweden

(d) Luxembourg

Answer :- (c) Sweden



14. In Belgium, the percentage of French community is:
(a) 54%

(b) 40%

(c) 30%

(d) 20%

Answer :- (b) 40%



15. Which language is dominantly spoken in Belgium?
(a) Dutch

(b) Spanish

(c) France

(d) Italian

Answer :- (a) Dutch



16. Power struggle demanding separate Eelam was launched by:
(a) Sinhalese 

(b) Buddhists

(c) Tamilians

(d) none of these

Answer :-  (c) Tamilians



17. Which of the following is the capital city of Belgium?
(a) Bruges

(b) Brussels

(c) Ghent

(d) Antwerp

Answer :-  (b) Brussels




18. Belgium shares its border with:
(a) France

(b) Germany

(c) Luxembourg

(d) all of the above
Answer :- (d) all of the above



19. What proportion of population speaks French in the capital city of Belgium?
(a) Bruges

(b) Brussels

(c) Ghent

(d) Antwep
Answer :- (d) Antwep




20Power shared among governments at different levels is also called:
(a) horizontal distribution

(b) vertical distribution

(c) slant distribution

(d) none of the above
Answer :- (b) vertical distribution




21. A war-like conflict between two opposite groups in a country is called

(a) Cold war

(b) Civil war

(c) Ethnic war

(d) None of these
Answer :- (b) Civil war




22. Belgium has worked on the principles of:
(a) majoritarianism

(b) accommodation

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of the above
Answer :- (b) accommodation


23. Majoritarianist constitution was adopted by:
(a) Belgium

(b) India

(c) Sri Lanka

(d) Pakistan
Answer :- (c) Sri Lanka




24. What is the percentage of Sinhala-speaking people in Sri Lanka?
(a) 74%

(b) 75%

(c) 14%

(d) 19%
Answer :- (a) 74%




25. What is the percentage of Sri Lankan Tamils out of the total population of Sri Lanka?
(a) 10 percent

(b) 19 percent

(c) 13 percent

(d) 25 percent
Answer :- (c) 13 percent




26. Power sharing is desirable because it
(a) helps the people of different communities to celebrated their festivals.
(b) imposes the will of the majority community over others.
(c) reduces the conflict between social groups.
(d) ensures the stability of political order.
Answer :- (c) reduces the conflict between social groups.




27. Intelligent sharing of power is done among
(a) Legislature and Central Government
(b) Executive and Judiciary
(c) Legislature and Executive
(d) Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
Answer :- (d) Legislature, Executive and Judiciary



28. Division of power between higher and lower level of government is known as
(a) vertical division of power
(b) horizontal distribution of power
(c) union division of power
(d) community division of power
Answer :- (a) vertical division of power




29. The capital city of Belgium is:
(a) Dutch

(b) France

(c) Brussels

(d) none of the above
Answer :- (c) Brussels




30. Power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of:
(a) population

(b) political order

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of the above
Answer :- (b) political order




31. When power is shared among different organs of the government it is called as
(a) horizontal distribution of power
(b) community distribution of power
(c) coalition of power
(d) federal distribution of power
Answer :- (a) horizontal distribution of power



32. Which of the following is not the benefit of power sharing?
(a) It upholds the spirit of democracy.
(b) Political parties get their expected share.
(c) It ensures political stability in the long-run.
(d) It reduces the possibility of conflicts between social groups.
Answer :- (b) Political parties get their expected share.




33. An Act of recognising Sinhala as the official language was signed in:
(a) 1942

(b) 1956

(c) 1954

(d) 1948
Answer :- (b) 1956




34. Which of the following is not the form of power sharing?
(a) Vertical division of power
(b) Horizontal division of power
(c) Division of power between people
(d) Division of power among social groups
Answer :- (c) Division of power between people



35. Power struggle demanding separating Eelam was launched by:
(a) Sinhalese

(b) Buddhists

(c) Tamilians

(d) none of the above
Answer :- (c) Tamilians






DIRECTION : Complete the following statements with appropriate word(s).


1. In Belgium, three communities are living ………. , ………. and ………. .
Answer :- French, Dutch and German speaking


2. ………. has started power struggle demanding separate Eelam in Sri Lanka.
Answer :- Tamilians political organisation


3. ………. was started in Sri Lanka due to distrust between the two communities.
Answer :- Civil War


4. Both ………. and ………. share power on an equal basis at ………. in Belgium.
Answer :- Dutch, French speaking people, central government


5. In Belgium, lastly the power is shared between ………. , ………. and ………. .
Ans : Central, State, Community Government




DIRECTION : Read each of the following statements and write if it is true or false.


1. Power sharing increases the possibility of conflict between social groups.
Answer :- False


2. Sri Lanka is facing the problems because of supporting the Tamilians in the state.
Answer :- True


3. Belgium has French people in majority whereas the others struggle for their rights.
Answer :- False


4. Power sharing is desirable and reduces possibilities of conflict within the country.
Answer :- True


5. Belgium and Sri Lanka are the two similar causes in the struggle of people.
Answer :-  True


6. The feeling of accommodation has led to the problem in Sri Lanka.
Answer :- False




DIRECTION : Mark the option which is most suitable :

(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.


1. Assertion : Tyranny of majority is highly desirable.
Reason : It helps in making the political order more stable.

Answer :-  (d) Both assertion and reason are false.
Tyranny of majority community is oppressive for the minority community and can also ruin the majority. It is a source of dissatisfaction and tension which is a source of political instability.



2. Assertion : In Belgium, the leaders realized that the unity of the country is possible by respecting the feelings and interest of different countries.
Reason : Belgium favoured Dutch speaking community.

Answer :- (d) Both assertion and reason are false.
Belgians adapted a power sharing arrangement in which all the communities have equal representation. This helped in relieving tension between the different communities. Thus they did not favour am/ particular community. Both the assertion and reason are false.



3. Assertion : French speaking community in Belgium was rich and powerful.
Reason : Belgian Government favoured French speaking community.

Ans : (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
There was ethnic tension between French speaking and Dutch speaking communities in Belgium. For resolving, the government adopted a power sharing armgemnt where all the communities got equal representation.



4. Assertion : In a democracy, everyone has voice in the shaping of public policies.
Reason : India has federal system.

Answer :- (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
In a democracy, people elect the representatives who participate in the decision making process. Due respect and proper representation is given to diverse groups in a democratic system. Hence, in democracy everyone has voice in the shaping of public policies. However the reason does not justify the assertion.



5. Assertion : Power should reside with one person and group located at one place in a democracy.
Reason : If the power is dispersed, it will not be possible to take decision quickly and enforce it.

Answer :- (d) Both assertion and reason are false.
In a good democratic government, due respect is given to diverse groups and views that exist in the society. Hence, political power should be distributed among citizens.



6. Assertion : Belgium and Sri Lanka both faced ethical tension among different communities.
Reason : Both the countries resolved the conflict by power sharing arrangement which gave equal representation to all the communities.

Answer :- (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
Belgians adopted a power sharing model where all the communities got equal representation; this helped in solving tension between different communities. However, Sri Lanka tried to promote the supremacy of Sinhala community which eventually led to civil war. Thus the reason is false.



7. Assertion : There was a feeling of alienation among Sri Lankan Tamils.
Reason : The Sri Lankan government denied them equal political rights and discriminated against them in getting jobs and other opportunities,

Answer :- (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
An act was passed in 1956 to recognize Sinhala as an official language. The government of Sri Lanka
favoured people from Sinhala community for higher education and government jobs. It led to resentment among Sri Lankan Tamils as government was not sensitive to their culture and language.



8. Assertion : Community government in Belgium is elected by one language community.
Reason : Community government helped in resolving conflict between different linguistic groups.

Answer :- (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
Community government is elected by people of one language community, i.e. French, Dutch and German speaking. Such a government has power related to culture, education and language issues. It helps in resolving conflicts between different ethical groups by safeguarding the interest of its group.



9. Assertion : Sinhala was recognized as only official language of Sri Lanka.
Reason : The government of Sri Lanka wanted to establish the supremacy of Sinhala community.

Answer :- (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
The government of Sri Lanka passed an Act in 1956 to recognize Sinhala as only official language of Sri Lanka. The government also formulated preferential policies to favour Sinhala applicants for university positions and government jobs. All this was done to establish supremacy of Sinhala community. Thus the reason justifies the assertion.



10. Assertion : Power Sharing is good.
Reason : It leads to ethical tension.

Answer :- (c) Assertion is true but reason is false. 
Power Sharing is good because it helps in reducing the chances of conflict between different social groups and ensures stability of the political system.

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